Occupational / Industrial Employment Testing in Thousand Oaks CA

For occupational/industrial employment testing in Thousand Oaks CA, Omega Rehab & Sport has been a licensed provider of WorkSteps, Inc. (www.WorkSteps.com) since 2005.The WorkSTEPS Program was developed in response to the industry's need for reliable, medically/legally defensible employment testing programs which could effectively reduce workplace injury incidence and workplace injury costs. The Program, which is based on objective scientific data, and collection, conforms fully to EEOC Guidelines for application of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Implementation of the WorkSTEPS Program has enabled hundreds of industries to realize significant workplace injury incidence and injury cost reductions. The data generated by the WorkSTEPS Program has been used to successfully litigate fraudulent injury claims, and to establish a basis for legitimate settlements of bonafide workplace injury claims. Our clients include:

  • Conejo Valley Unified School District
  • Simi Valley Unified School District
  • Regional Hospitals and Medical Centers
  • Automotive Corporations
  • Many other employers and municipalities.

All the clinicians at Omega Rehab & Sport have been certified by WorkSteps and re-certify annually to maintain the highest level of service.  The following is a list and description of WorkSteps industrial tests that we provide.  Please contact Chuck Aplin (ChuckA@omega-rehab.com) or (805) 230-1199, Industrial Testing Coordinator, to set up a time to tour our facility in Thousand Oaks and discuss your needs.

Pre-Offer Agility Test in Thousand Oaks CA

A 30-minute test that measures a candidate's job capability in order to match their performance with the essential functions of the job. No medical information can be collected for this test.

Pre-Offer Basic Test

A 45-minute test that has a limited number of medical measurements, maximum effort lifting, and essential functions tests. Given pass or fail to meet ONLY the essential job functions of strength, motion, etc.

Post-Offer / Pre-Employment Comprehensive Test

This is the most commonly used test by our clients. It is a 1.5 to 2-hour test. A complete face-to-face medical history is taken, a comprehensive musculoskeletal physical is completed and the job-specific/ essential functions are tested. This comprehensive process objectively quantifies pre-existing conditions and cumulative traumas to determine their effect upon "significant and impending" risk as it relates to the position in question and determines if the candidate is capable of performing the essential job functions. Drug Screen, TB testing and lumbar x-rays are also available as part of this comprehensive test for additional fees.

Post-Employment Fit for Duty

Chiropractic Thousand Oaks CA Box Lift

This is a 1.5 to 2 hour test administered to existing employees under several circumstances specifically addressed in the Technical Assistance Manual. The test may be administered on a voluntary basis, at specific intervals scheduled by the employer, or on an individual basis if the employee demonstrates "evidence of problems related to job performance or safety"(TAM V1-12). This test is used to classify employees according to risk and then used to implement prevention strategies to lower susceptibility to injury. Work conditioning, accommodations, and other options are made available to the employer based upon results.

Carpal Tunnel Test

This test can be administered as part of either the Post-Offer/Pre-Employment Comprehensive Test or the Post-Employment/Fit For Duty Test. We also offer a comprehensive upper quadrant/carpal tunnel evaluation. It is used to determine capability as it relates to job function.

Functional Capacity Test

(FCE) The FCE is a medical test to measure an employee's function post-injury. The WorkSTEPS FCE is designed to follow the same pre-injury employment test protocols to compare baseline data, document existing impairments, prove consistency, and create realistic objective treatment goals and return to work recommendations. The WorkSTEPS FCE is also automated and includes criteria to evaluate symptom magnification, inappropriate illness behavior, and validity of performance.

Sincerity of Effort Tests

Peer review published research that proves unequivocally if someone is faking or magnifying the extent of their injuries.


8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm


Omega Rehab & Sport

325 Rolling Oaks Drive #250
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361

(805) 230-1199